October 4, 2022

Attracting good candidates to work in public administration is one of the important tasks recognized in the Strategy for Public Administration Reform in Serbia 2021-2030 and its accompanying Action Plan for 2021-2025.

Promoting the state as a desirable employer is part of the efforts implemented by the public administration in accordance with these planning documents. As the process of recruiting personnel for work in public administration takes place through the HRM Service of the Government of the Republic of Serbia (SUK), the job of representing public administration as a desirable employer is largely in the hands of this institution.

Bearing in mind the importance of this job, at the very beginning it was necessary to develop an adequate communication plan in order to define the goals, target groups, activities, means and time frame for the implementation of the activities. The HRM service was assisted in developing the Communication Plan by the experts of the EU PAR Visibility and Communication project. In a series of workshops with representatives of SUK and the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, current situation and challenges faced by public administration in this area were analysed and communication activities proposed that should contribute to increasing the number of quality candidates who apply to advertisements for vacancies in public administration. 

This document will serve as a guideline for public administration in developing communication activities that should lead to a better public perception of public administration as a desirable employer.