Guidelines for communicating public administration reform and using social networks presented

October 12, 2021

Representatives of the EU-funded project "PAR Visibility and Communication" presented "Guidelines for Communicating Public Administration Reform" and "Guidelines for Social Networks for Public Administration Bodies and Institutions" at the online meeting of the Network of PR Experts of Local Self-Government Units organized by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities on 12 October. These documents were prepared as part of the EU support for the implementation of activities envisaged by the Public Administration Reform Strategy 2021 – 2030 and aim to strengthen the communication capacities of employees in public administration and local self-government institutions.

The meeting was attended by more than 40 PR managers from cities and municipalities across Serbia. During the meeting, they had an opportunity to talk to representatives of the project team and obtain relevant information on best practices in communicating public administration reform and the use of social networks. They were interested in how to improve communication activities and promotional events in the local community, and how to deal with the challenges in communication on social networks.

This activity is part of the project's cooperation with the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities and local government representatives in order to improve the communication of local self-governments on topics related to public administration reform in Serbia by supporting the professional development of employees in the PR departments.